Questions to ask before starting your website design
Your website is your online home.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get a little nervous when someone is seeing my home for the first time. Whether it’s a new friend or a dating prospect, there’s something important about that first impression when someone steps into your space. Your home is a reflection of you – it gives a glimpse into your aesthetic, your personality, and your values.
In the same way, your website (your online home) is a reflection of you. A first glance isn’t going to necessarily tell the whole story, but it’ll give a taste. So what do you want that first impression to be, and how do you want someone to feel as they continue navigating your site?
The intentional use of colour, type, and imagery can establish a certain emotional feel on your site. Using the house analogy, these would be the choice of paint colour, artwork, and items of furniture. The written content and tone of voice is of equal (if not even more) importance, as this is the chance to connect with your audience and tell them everything they need to know about working with you. You first want to make people feel welcome and understood, which can then lead into a space where you offer a solution to their unique problem.
Here are some questions I ask my clients before I start designing their website:
What do you want people to THINK when they visit your website?
What do you want them to FEEL?
What are the 3 most important things that people want to find or learn when they visit your website? And WHY do they care about finding those things?
What is the most important thing you want your audience to DO (end goal) when they visit your website?
If you’re looking for a website that is a more accurate representation of you and aren’t sure how to accomplish that on your own, I would love to chat! Check out my branding & web design services here.
Hi, I’m Allison – a brand strategist and designer who’s passionate about helping soul-led entrepreneurs build businesses that light them up and make an impact. I believe the world needs what only you can offer, and I’d love to help get your message in front of the right people with design that’s both strategic and beautiful.
If we’re not already connected, come say hi on Instagram!